
NMSCoordinates is an app for No Man’s Sky which allows you to view all your discovered space station and base locations between all your saves. You can clear portal interference while traveling through a portal, fast travel to known locations, or manually enter Galactic Coordinates and travel to them. Trigger a freighter battle with a button.

Project maintained by Kevin0M16 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


This a Coordinate Tool for No Man’s Sky!



NMSCoordinates is an app for No Man’s Sky which allows you to view all your discovered space station and base locations between all your saves. You can clear portal interference while traveling through a portal, fast travel to known locations, or manually enter Galactic Coordinates and travel to them. Backup locations to json file and access and travel to these saved coordinates.

v2.3.2 (DEC 30 2024)

v2.3.1 (DEC 28 2024)

v2.3 (DEC 25 2024)

v2.2 (NOV 4 2022)

v2.1 (JULY 23 2022)

v2.0 (JULY 21 2022)



Getting Started

Here is an overview of what you need to get started with NMSCoordinates


The current version of NMSCoordinates requires No Man’s Sky Frontiers+ (Works on Endurance and Waypoint)

:exclamation: Always back up all your game data and saves before any mods

Installation and setup

1. (Optional NMSC backups up saves on startup) Backup all you save files at Location: C:\Users\[Name]\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st_xxxxxxxxx
2. Download the latest release .zip file.
3. Extract the .zip to your desired location.
4. Create a shortcut to NMSCoordinate.exe for your desktop.
5. Run NMSCoordinate.exe. 
6. Select Save slot, and have fun!


Change Log

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
